
Is meditation for me?

mind thinking unnecessarily pondering on numerous thoughts many of them evoke a negative state , even positive excited state may not be beneficial.
create a lot of noise in your brain
how many times have you felt of  i dont know wanna think about thios . i wanna be freee from this thought for some hours
have you dricven a vehicle woithout being aware of yourself
lopst minutes or hours thiunking  or lost in a some thoughts experience positive or negative
thought about some one ewho abused you , for hours together
did not knew that ypou fought withs someone close and realised , i didint kow what happened then
fely guilty of certain ex[pressions, conversations,
felt stressed or anxious
felt that your energy has been completeley lost and you cant procedd further anymore especially in a stressful situation

what happens after meditaion practice?
you become aware of when the brain drifts
reduce your reaction/ impulsiveness. act in a balanced way
empathy and compassion
decrease distractions
reach goals
increase memory

Does it really work
both a relaxation and brain exercise

  • mindfulness
  • mind chatter/
  • Ego reduction

(ego is idea oofg self
when you interatc involve in daily activites , the way the environemet / the society / the people interacting with you create a lot oof impressions about yourself.
when they appreciate you you develop an impression of pride
de / when the say yuo are hiumbel yo develop the impression  of being humble /

these mimpressions help you to create an idea/ impression about yourself andyou tend to believe it and you start according to it . in short you become the idea / impression.this may be good or bad.instead being truly humble you pretend to be humble or confident. Meidtation helps to develop those qulaities and goals rather than just stoppingwith pretence )

  • sleep
  • anxiety/ Stress management
  • Productivity

How meditation works

suppress other thoughts 
focus on a thought just aware
 not thinking about anything

your thopughts are supressed by re citing a mantra  like auditory masking
When you suffer from internal monologues this may be very useful
theefforts required to suppress other thoughts and become mindful arises spontaneously due to the masking of other sounds by the mantra.\

Here you try to focus on natural body movements ( breathing and body scanning ) and this tries to become aware of the present. Sine most often it is the past and future thoughts that worry us, being present now itself brings peace and happiness.

Sahaja yoga
hre the mind is allowed to wander and drift completely. Aftera few minutes the mind tries to settle down automatically and peace is attained 

How to practise meditation

after sleep, beacuse the mind is cleared of variuious clutter and is noe ready for a good exercise
early mornings because the distractions
otherwise meditation can be praactised any time and anywhere
